There are times when you can feel community power, years of work, and perhaps a bit of magic coalescing into the change we desperately need. Last night was one of those moments, as many of us gathered to celebrate recent events in the Zenith Energy saga—most notably DEQ’s unexpected investigation of Zenith’s McCall dock, and its ensuing decision to pause Zenith’s air quality permit process.

Two of our new City Council members, Angelita Morillo and Mitch Green joined us and shared their plans to champion climate justice once in office. Angelita Morillo spoke passionately about 350PDX’s and Mosquito Fleet’s kayak tour of the Critical Energy Infrastructure Hub, detailing how it revealed the hub’s impact on nearby communities and ecosystems—and how it inspired her commitment to action.

Other inspiring speakers included our fearless Fossil Fuel Campaign Manager, Dineen O’Rourke, and Columbia Riverkeeper Senior Community Organizer, Kate Murphy.

Stay tuned as we await DEQ’s next steps and forge our own. We’ll keep you posted every step of the way. We won’t stop until we get what we want. #StopZenith