Weekly Update – July 23 2019

Hi everyone,

The votes are in from last week’s poll, and 71% said you preferred this simple newsletter format, so I’m sticking with it! Any improvements or suggestions are always welcome, just give me an email – chris@350pdx.org.

And here’s your 350PDX weekly update!

Remember to check out the Volunteer Boards for all our current volunteer opportunities, including Tasks, Roles, Representing 350PDX, Stuff we need. And let me know any suggestions or additions!


  • Summer Appeal

    After a year of staff transitions and some internal restructuring, I am excited to refocus on building this grassroots movement through more volunteer orientations, general meetings, skills trainings and making it easier for new and existing volunteers to take part in a range of meaningful, effective climate action. It takes resources to run an organization like 350PDX, from organizing the upcoming Climate Strike, to fixing our website, to mobilizing hundreds of people at Zenith hearings, to supporting volunteer teams.

    Please consider giving today to keep our people-powered movement moving forward. We only have less than two weeks of the summer appeal. So far we have had 50 individual contributions. Will you help us get that number up to 70 individual donations by the end of this week? Thank you! — Chris

  • Strategic Planning is Underway!

    For over 8 hours on Sunday, 350PDX volunteer leaders, board and staff kicked off this year’s strategic planning process, looking to plan out the direction of 350PDX for the next 18 months. These were just very initial conversations setting up the framework (here’s the framework for those interested), and much of the deeper strategy planning will be done by volunteer teams themselves in the coming months. Interested in getting involved, and have experience in strategic planning or creating inclusive processes? Join the Strategic Planning Committee! Email lucy@350pdx.org.

  • Welcome to new 350PDX board members!

    Welcome to new board members Anaïs Tuepker, Jamie Pang, and Jordon Lee. As we grow the board to a sustainable size, we will maintain interim leadership roles. Deb Lev will be serving as interim board president and Allyse Heartwell will be serving as interim vice-president.


  • Calling all web designers / developers!

    The time has come to give our website a revamp. Over the next few weeks/months the Communications Team will be updating the structure, content and design of our current website, to make it look less like 350pdx.org, and more like 350seattle.org, mn350.org, or just 350.org. We use WordPress and I’m looking for someone with development / design skills to help us along, potentially migrating a theme, or just customizing our current theme. Please email chris@350pdx.org! Thanks!

  • Help needed for the Multnomah Daze Parade!

    The 350PDX Southwest Neighborhood Team is marching again in this year’s parade. They need at least 15 people able and willing to carry signs, props and puppets for an approx 20 minute march. The SW team will have plenty of items to carry, so no need for people to bring their own signs. Join us in spreading the word about the urgency to switch from fossil fuels to clean and renewable energy. The theme on this day will be “All Hands Needed ~ Heal the Earth“.

    Sounds like a fun time? Contact: Bob Kaminski, robertwkaminski@gmail.org; Text: 510-610-1705, to let them know you can come!
    When – Meet at 9:30 AM, Saturday, August 17. (Parade begins at 10:00 AM)
    Where – Meet across the street from the defunct Andy’s Garage located at 7991 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, 97219


  • Metro Transportation Funding Task Force meeting & OPAL Rally

    TONIGHT Wed July 24, 4:30PM – 7:30PM @ Metro Regional Center, council chamber, 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland
    OPAL rally / street theater @ 4:30PM, Metro meeting @ 5:30pm.
    OPAL are continuing their Up With Riders! campaign (read more here), and the Metro taskforce continue working on what will be in the $20bn ballot measure on transportation next November. Money for roads and car infrastructure? No thank you! Facebook event here

  • Environmental Justice Tour of Portland’s Sacrifice Zone

    Thurs Aug 8, 9:00AM @ Meet in front of Montgomery Ward Building in NW Portland (2757 NW Wardway, Portland)
    We will hear the voices of the many groups who once lived and worked in historical river communities. We’ll car pool to the many forgotten sites and consider the policies that made this possible. This tour with visit the Zenith tar sands facility and several other sites in the area. Contact Sarah Taylor to register – Sarahsojourner@mac.com or 503-805-4680.

  • Climate Strike and Week of Action

    Sept 20 – 27, @ Globally
    Tues Aug 6, Climate Strike General Meeting @ 350PDX, 1820 NE 21st Ave
    Save the dates! I sent an email about this a few days ago, but see here for 350.org’s press release that was released today. Interested in being part of the biggest moment in the history of the climate movement? Come to the 350PDX Climate Strike General Meeting on August 6th, 6-8pm. RSVP here.

And just in case you weren’t inspired at the start of this email, but you’re super energized now, here’s the donate button again!

Thank you all for the work that you do, and for being part of this key, kind and sometimes kafkaesque movement,

Chris – 350PDX Volunteer & Communications Coordinator
