Thank you to all those who took action to stop Senator Manchin’s dirty side deal! Once again Manchin tried to put forward his deal, which would have undermined the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), fast-tracked fossil fuel projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and allowed BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and other frontline communities to once become sacrifice zones for fossil fuel companies’ profit. This time, Manchin was trying to get the deal attached to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
But once again – we stopped the deal in its tracks. This was a huge win for the climate justice movement, and shows the power of people like you showing up in huge numbers. This is a testament to grassroots organizing, and the work of People vs. Fossil Fuels (PVFF) — a frontline-led coalition we are honored to be a part of.
This was a huge win, AND the fight isn’t over. Manchin is still doing all he can to attach his fossil fuel provisions to the NDAA as an amendment in the Senate, which may come to a vote as soon as Tuesday (12/14). Even if he fails there, Democratic leadership may still try to attach his provisions to the end-of-year spending bill.
We need to show up once again to tell the Senate we’re saying no to the dirty deal and whatever schemes Manchin might try to pull next to get these fossil fuel provisions through.
Can you take 2 minutes to make a call to your senator’s office right now? Dial 888-997-5380
Despite this week’s win, Manchin is now trying to find another vehicle for his dirty and unjust deal: either through an amendment to the defense bill, or by trying to attach it to the end-of-year spending bill. That is why we all need to contact our Senators right NOW.
Call your senator at 888-997-5380. When you’re connected, here’s what to say.
“I’m urging my senator to vote NO on any amendment that would advance Manchin’s dirty permitting deal. I’m deeply concerned about any legislation that would fast-track fossil fuel projects and undermine our ability to give input on new energy projects.”
What’s clear: people power and organize works! Thank you for sticking with us and making calls at this critical time.
In solidarity,
Eloise Navarro, 350PDX National Fossil Fuels Organizer
P.S. Can you make a donation by Dec 31st so we can keep up our climate justice work? We are largely funded by the community, and need to raise $100,000 by the end of year so we can hit the ground running in 2023. Thank you for everything you do for climate justice!