Volunteers from 350PDX hand deliver over 700 public comment cards to EFSC voicing opposition to PGE plan for gas plants at Carty

Oregonian’s Demand Clean Energy, Not Dirty Gas

This morning, volunteers from 350PDX, the Portland chapters of international organization 350.org, served as a megaphone for Oregonians who demand clean energy from renewables and oppose Portland General Electric’s plans to build two methane gas fired power plants to power the city of Portland at Carty/Boardman. Concerned community members hand delivered over 700 public comment cards collected by volunteers with 350PDX, The Sierra Club and Greenpeace to the Oregon Department of Energy’s Energy Facility Siting Council.

The two plants, if built, would be the largest source of carbon pollution in Oregon and would prevent Oregon from meeting it’s climate goals. Opponents argue that the construction of these plants, which have a lifespan of 30 years, would lock Portland into fossil fueled power for decades and stall the transition to renewable energy. “In 2016, the City of Portland passed a historic ban on the construction of new fossil fuel infrastructure,” said 350PDX organizer Mia Reback, “and Portlanders are now saying no to new fossil fuel infrastructure built to power the Portland Metropolitan Area.”

“We want our dollars spent on clean energy not fossil fuel infrastructure that will soon be obsolete,” said community member Melanie Plaut during the comment delivery. “Gas is a dirty fuel. When the carbon burden from wellhead to power plant is considered, it contributes even more climate disrupting pollution than coal. We hope EFSC will take these comments into account and require PGE to go back to the drawing board.”

In late December 2016, PGE filed for an amended site certificate that would permit them to build two new gas power plants. The Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) has to grant the site certificate in order for PGE to begin construction. Today, Oregonians are asking EFSC to deny PGE the amended site certificate.

If you haven’t already, click here to send in your comment to EFSC. Comments are due by 5pm on Friday, February 3rd.

