Victory!! The 350PDX Forest Defense Team helped Oregon get a better Board of Forestry.
Victory!! The 350PDX Forest Defense Team helped Oregon get a better Board of Forestry.
With your support three new members were confirmed to the Board, and they will help make forest policy on state and private lands more climate friendly.
We’d like to thank Governor Brown for putting forward a strong and balanced slate, the Oregon Senate for confirming the nominees, and all of you who reached out to your state Senators for making it happen.
Did your Senator vote yes to the nominees?
See the list below. If your senator voted yes, please take a moment to thank your senator. Find out who your state senator is here, which also lists their contact details. Let them know we appreciate their vote to confirm the Board of Forestry nominees, which helps Oregon move toward climate-friendly forest practices.
Senators who voted yes:
Jeff Golden
Floyd Prozanski
Lee Beyer
James I. Manning Jr.
Sara Gelser
Deb Patterson
Peter Courtney
Betsy Johnson
Kate Lieber
Chuck Riley
Elizabeth Steiner Hayward
Ginny Burdick
Kathleen Taylor
Lew Frederick
Michael Dembrow
Kayse Jama
Chris Gorsek
Brian Boquist
Thank you! And thank you so much to all the wonderful volunteers on the Forest Defense team, the Comms/Arts team, and everyone else who made this campaign such a success!
If you’d like to join the Forest Defense Team you can learn more at