Welcome to the 350PDX Calendar

This is where all events, trainings, film screenings, art builds and team meetings will appear. Everything on this calendar is open to anyone, so feel free to come along to anything and everything, even if you're just testing out a new team. Some ask you to RSVP, and others you can just show up.

350PDX Book Club – Braiding Sweetgrass

350PDX Rebuilding Center - 3639 N Mississippi Ave., Portland, OR, United States

Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer Weds October 2, 2024 6:30-8 PM 350PDX office conference room, 3625 N Mississippi Ave Light refreshments (including beer + wine) will be provided. Feel free to bring stuff to share. RSVP here Let katie@350pdx.org if you have any questions. Join the 350PDX Climate Book Club! A place for anyone interested in the […]