Update: Capping Carbon Campaign
Please join us for our next meeting:
Tuesday, July 24; 7-9pm at Central Lutheran Church (1820 NE 21st Ave)
7:00 – 7:30pm – Gathering and socializing
7:30 – 9:00pm – Meeting
The Capping Carbon Campaign continues to build on our past success. Our goal now is to pass the strongest possible legislation during the 2019 Legislative session – a Clean Energy Jobs bill that will:
- Cap greenhouse gases – achieve 80% reduction against 1990 levels by 2050,
- Make polluters pay (three major sectors: transportation, utilities, major manufacturers)
- Invest in communities most in need to speed transition to a clean energy future
We will continue to focus on ensuring that all Portland area legislators are climate champions and will organize meetings between constituents and their Representatives and Senators for this coming Fall.
In addition, we are focusing on two outlying areas for outreach to climate voters, people who want to see strong climate supporters in the Oregon Legislature. These areas are in Clackamas County and the Hood River area. We have a climate presentation targeted towards folks in these areas.
The Joint Committee on Carbon Reduction has meetings planned for the remainder of the year. This committee, chaired by Senate President Courtney and House Speaker Kotek is responsible to write the final bill that will be introduced early next year. Climate activists packed the hearing room at the Capitol Building in Salem for the first two meetings. We need to continue to do this for all future meetings. We want to be sure that this committee knows that we are committed to ensuring effective climate legislation. The next meeting is set for Tuesday, July 24th from 1 – 4pm at the Capitol Bldg (yes, this is the same day as our July meeting so make this your day to commit to the climate!) We will continue to have car-pools for these meetings. Put these future meetings of the Joint Committee on your calendar (all are in the Capitol Bldg in Salem):
August 28, 2018, 1:00-4:00 PM
September 24-26, 2018 (Legislative Days, day and time TBA)
November 8, 2018, 1:00-4:00 PM
December 12-14, 2018 (Legislative Days, day and time TBA)
Rand Schenck, Rick Brown, and Jane Stackhouse