Take Action for Forests and Climate
In the aftermath of Oregon’s historic wildfires, we need to defend Oregon’s forests from the claim that the way to reduce fires is widespread heavy logging. Read more about the topic in this letter we sent to Oregon legislators in November 2019. And then take action today!
1. Find your state legislators
– See who your state senator and state representative are, and find their mailing and email addresses here.
2. Write your letter
– Use the talking points below to craft your simple letter. It doesn’t need to be long, but it’s best if you speak from your personal experience and don’t simply copy and paste (as sometimes they’ll filter out or ignore form letters).
Talking Points
- Share your story, empathize with impacted folks
- Climate change will make fires more frequent and severe
- Heavily logged landscapes burn hotter and faster
- Any bills in response to these fires should focus on safety of residents and communities – emergency response system, retrofitting homes, defensible space around homes, and prescribed burns
- NOT on backcountry thinning – it does not improve community safety and worsens climate change
- Sign off with your name and address (to show you’re a constituent)
3. Send!
Email or mail your letter to you state legislators, and while you’re at it, send to Gov Kate Brown as well using her contact form.
Office of the Governor
900 Court Street, Suite 254
Salem, OR 97301-4047