Southwest Team Picnic

DSC_0832 On Sunday evening, July 17th, the 350pdx Southwest Neighborhood Team partnered with Southwest HOPE (Heal Our Planet Earth) to hold a Team Picnic at Gabriel Park.  350pdx has 5 neighborhood teams across Portland that each work to strengthen local communities’ efforts towards reaching a fossil fuel- free future.  We want you to join us!  You can contact the neighborhood team in your area here.  The SW Neighborhood Team is currently working to encourage participation in the FFRN demonstration on the 23rd, the last Tesoro-Savage Testimony on July 29th, and the Capping Carbon Campaign.

At the Sunday picnic, around 25 community activists came together to socialize, share poems and laughs, and participate in singalongs that promoted environmental preservation — all over good food!  New and regular members alike had a great time learning more about each other and discussing any climate action summer plans.  Miko and Isaac Vergun also shared their experiences as youth members of the group Plant for the Planet, a group dedicated to planting trees and raising awareness about climate change and global justice among children and adults.  Miko and Isaac hope to fundraise for a trip to Germany in October to attend a Youth Summit (you can learn more and donate to fund their trip here).  We hope to see you at the next 350 team meeting near you where you can learn more about how you can get involved in climate justice and get to know your fellow community members!

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