Support Climate Stability: HB 3470
Oregon has established strong, science-based targets for reducing global warming pollution but we are not on track for meeting those goals. It’s time for Oregon to implement policies that will make us a leader in responding to climate change. Let state government know it’s time for us to meet our environmental goals.
Patterned after a bill that passed in California, The Climate Stability and Justice Act – HB 3470 – would enforce Oregon’s existing Greenhouse Gas Emission reduction goals and direct the state to implement a cost-efficient, market-based program to guarantee that Oregon meets its goals. Importantly, it would also ensure that disadvantaged communities directly benefit from Oregon’s transition to clean energy.
The bill guarantees the state hits its pollution target is by enacting an enforceable cap on emissions. Oregon decides how much pollution to allow each year and only creates that many permits. The largest fossil fuel sellers must buy permits in quarterly state auctions. Each year, the number of permits dwindles, meaning less pollution is allowed and fossil fuel companies must cut pollution by making their operations more efficient or shifting to clean energy.
HB 3470 requires the State of Oregon to move responsively on achieving Greenhouse Gas Emission reduction targets recommended by the Oregon Global Warming Commission in 2006. It requires the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) to adopt, by rule, mandatory statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions limits for 2020 and 2050, and to adopt interim statewide limits that are consistent with the 2050 goal every five years.
The bill is Oregon’s opportunity to show effective leadership in Climate Stability and Climate Change Justice for all Oregonians. Email the legislature and governor to support HB 3470.
This call-to-action is brought to us by Onward Oregon.