350PDX Outreach Team

We need to make massive social change over the next decade to tackle the climate crisis and move towards liberation for all. To do that we need massive numbers – hundreds of dedicated volunteers planning our actions, and thousands of folks who will show up to those actions.

The Outreach Team builds the movement so we can recruit volunteer and mobilize action takers.

  • Tabling – at our own actions, at community events, farmers markets, or just on street corners
  • Flyering – handing out flyers to people inviting them to get involved – could be at the periphery of our actions to curious passersby, on the street, or outside big events where folks are waiting in line
  • Postering – putting our event posters up on lampposts, on community noticeboards, in the windows of friendly businesses
  • Wheatpasting – using wallpaper paste to put up posters on walls across the city
  • Community presentations – going to schools, community groups, neighborhood associations to educate folks about our campaigns and recruit them to the movement

Get Involved

Our Outreach Team consists of a core of dedicated folks who search out outreach opportunities, create flyers, and manage volunteers. And then we have a broader team of folks on our Slack who are trained up on how to do outreach and respond when they can when we put out an outreach opportunity that needs volunteer help!

Get involved in the Outreach Team by filling in the Outreach Team Volunteer Form.

Upcoming Outreach Opportunities: