Our February Newsletter

Feb 16th Deadline: Comments for Proposed OR LNG Terminal and Pipeline

febnews1ORLNG looks at first glance to be the name of a cute, fuzzy mammal–if only it were that harmless. The acronym actually stands for Oregon Liquid Natural Gas, and it’s not something we want to cuddle up with. Ever. …Click for more info and to submit your comment!

Feb 18th Fair Trade or BusTour

febnews2Let’s Roll! The debate over “Fast Track” legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other pending trade deals -that pose a serious threat to our climate, health, jobs and more- is coming to a head right now. Several Members of Congress from the Pacific Northwest remain undecided on this critical issue and need to hear from you. Jump on the bus to bring the message to their offices! Learn more

350PDX Climate Justice Reading Group Starting!

febnews3Beginning in March: Let’s look at the larger dimensions of global climate change, exploring its connections to economics, race and gender. As well: climate denial, envisioning a global/local movement, takeaways for activists. Group will meet 10 times; how often will be decided at the first meeting. First reading: This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein. Please contact Sheila goldensheila6@gmail.com if you’re interested.

We’ve outgrown our space! Can you Help?

febnews4We’re searching for a permanent office/work space… Preferably on the inner east side though we will happily consider other areas, room for 2-3 desks, low-cost, and perhaps a window! Bonus if it has a shared meeting space available.

Willing to donate some temporary workspace to the climate cause this summer? We need desk space for one or two Fossil Free student interns (cool, right??) in June and July!

If you have any leads, please contact: Rand Schenck, randschenck@msn.com, 503-347-5526.