Keystone XL Status Update!
With the Keystone XL up for Fast Track approval in the senate, we’ve been sitting on the edge of our seats waiting on the verdict. Here are recent updates from national organizers:
We just won the Keystone XL vote in the Senate. Thank you all for your hard work making calls, organizing actions, and generally growing this beautiful, huge, and increasingly powerful movement. This is a huge win against Big Oil. And now, we’ll continue to fight until a rejection.
“Last week, Rosebud Sioux Tribal President Cyril Scott described building Keystone XL – without the prior and informed consent of his people- as an act of war. This week, farmer Art Tanderup, whose land would be crossed by the pipeline, stood on Capitol Hill and pledged to continue fighting back no matter what.
“Super special shout out to 350 DC for crushing on every level for the last 4 days all over DC! “
350Colorado organizers gathered 200 people to call out Senator Bennet on his support for the Keystone XL pipeline. It was amazing! 350 NYC and 350 Maine also brought the fire in their regions as well.
“When [Sens.] Schumer and Levin were wavering, we generated hundreds of calls and within hours, they had both said publicly they were with us. And I sincerely believe that 350 Colorado’s rally in Denver deterred any other Democratic Senators from flipping.
“And 350 DC led an action at Landrieu’s house, 2 direct action trainings, sit-ins in offices, and social media, video and general support for all things DC over the last 3 days. You all seriously impress me.”
As for our Oregon contingent, Senator Jeff Merkley spoke out strongly against Keystone XL before he and Senator Wyden both stood for our values by voting in opposition to the pipeline bill.
Even though the pipeline didn’t pass in the Senate, it will still be up to President Obama to decide its fate–and ours. We’re hoping that Obama holds to his principles, which would lead him to reject the pipeline.
But we’re also doing more than hoping. Click here to tell President Obama that it’s time to reject Keystone XL.
You can also be part of the effort to put away the pipe, either by joining the thousands who have pledged to engage in civil disobedience or by support these efforts in other ways. If you would like more information on the No KeystoneXL Pledge of Resistance and upcoming trainings, please contact Bonnie
Maya Jarrad