350PDX is committed to the crucial work of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI), and is putting organizational resources including money, staff time behind it. We recognize that in the past and continuing into the present that marginalized communities, especially black and brown volunteers, staff, and partner organizations have been harmed in our perpetuation of white supremacy cultural norms, and for that we sincerely apologize.

JEDI Committee

The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee serves as the major driver of 350PDX’s JEDI work, supporting an organizational culture and structure that is transparent, inclusive, equitable, and accountable to each other and to our frontline community partners. Made up of staff, volunteers, and Board, our mission is to support 350PDX in implementing a JEDI Plan that incorporates these values throughout our organizational structure, internal systems, and theory of organizing.

In 2020 the JEDI Committee:

  • Created a staff, Board, and volunteer Code of Conduct & Anti-Discrimination Statement which outlines expectations around anti-oppressive and inclusive behavior
  • Designed a Climate Justice 101 training, part of our upcoming four-part Climate Movement Foundations Training series, and integrated climate justice education, why we center frontline community leadership, and other equitable organizing skills into the other three Foundations Trainings
  • Organized a cohort of team representatives who will dive deeper into JEDI training and understanding to bring this framework into all our teams’ work
  • Started a Movement Building Plan to make our organizing more accessible by training up volunteers, planning scalable and accessible actions, and finding new ways to support volunteers

In 2021 we will:

  • Evaluate 2020’s JEDI work and update our plans for 2021-2022
  • Develop an Accessibility Plan, which will provide much needed tools for volunteers and staff to use to make our organizing spaces as accessible as possible
  • Finalize our Equitable Employment Policy
  • Hold trainings on volunteer orientation, foundational organizing, and JEDI skills
  • Explore a volunteer mentorship program and expanding types of volunteer team roles
  • Develop a Movement Building/Outreach Plan for 2021
  • Finalize and implement a Conflict Resolution Policy
  • Draft an Equity Filter to help staff, teams, and Board make decisions rooted in countering white supremacy culture and creating equitable organizing spaces

Join the Committee

We are looking for volunteers who have experience organizing with us and are interested in implementing our JEDI Plan. In particular, we are looking for people with:

  • Experience with barriers organizing with us or the climate movement as a whole
  • Passion and understanding of climate justice, racial and social justice, and equity
  • Practice creating, leading, and/or facilitating trainings or group conversations 
  • Experience creating equitable organizational policies, plans, and/or accountability practices
  • Insight and practice in conflict mediation, restorative justice, and/or other forms of conflict transformation

What’s the commitment?

We meet twice a month and do some work between meetings – roughly 3-8 hours a month, depending on project commitments. Our space has purposefully been cultivated to be safer, inclusive, and welcoming, especially for those who are marginalized in greater society and sometimes at 350PDX. 

I have a lot of lived experience, but don’t want to join the JEDI Committee

Outside of the JEDI Committee, we also have a Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color (BIPOC) Caucus. This is a space for BIPOC volunteers to be in community, learn together, and evaluate and inform our JEDI work. If you have any interest in joining the BIPOC Caucus, please email our Coalition Manager, Indi at indi@350pdx.org.

Thank you for considering joining this important organizational committee at 350PDX! We are happy to arrange for childcare, ASL interpretation, non-English translation, and other accommodations as requested. Please apply to join the JEDI Team here.

For any questions, please reach out to indi@350pdx.org.


Our JEDI Plan was developed in 2019 through various assessments, retreats, and planning sessions, for 2020-2022. This work entails everything from designing training for 350PDX volunteers around JEDI concepts to developing systems and policies to make 350PDX more accountable to JEDI values. See the plan here.

Download (PDF, 616KB)

Banner picture at top from our 2019 JEDI retreat.