Indigenous Solidarity is Making History in North Dakota

web_th_nodapl-riders_rain-9534-thosh_collinsTo date, 87 American Indian Nations have stood in support of the Standing Rock Sioux and their ongoing fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), whether by letters, resolutions, or by sending delegations of tribal members to the Sacred Stone Camp. Many have shown their support by sending much needed water, and goods to the camp. The Apsaalooke Nation (Crow) has brought water, camping supplies, over 700 pounds of processed buffalo meat, firewood, dry goods, and monetary donations from tribal members. The Cherokee Nation recently sent 19 pallets of bottled water, basically a semi truck full, to the camp in solidarity. The Cheyenne and Arapaho have sent pallets of water and buffalo. There was also an announcement that a whole cow had been donated as food, and a car dealer had donated an SUV for delivering supplies. Follow this link to donate and support the Camp of the Sacred Stones. Go here to see a beautiful collection of photos from the last week at the camp.

This is truly a historical coming together of First Nations here in the U.S. that hasn’t been this strong for decades. As mentioned by Mekasi Camp Horinek (Ponca), who has been at the site in Cannon Ball since the first days of protest against the DAPL, “This is no longer a camp, it is a village.” Over 4000 people are there according to the last count. As read on the Sacred Stone Camp’s website, due to the massive influx of campers, “there is now a large camp on the north side of the Cannonball River called Oceti Sakowin Camp. Red Warrior Camp is also located there. These camps are not officially affiliated with Sacred Stone Camp but we all share the common goal of protecting the water from the threat of the Dakota Access Pipeline.”

Despite the varied intimidation tactics by the police, such as surveillance planes, gross media manipulation, and checkpoints where drivers are interrogated, videotaped, and turned around if suspected of planning to join the camp, support is growing steadily against the DAPL, and more people are coming in person to stand as protectors of the water and the earth. LaDonna Allard, Director of the Camp of the Sacred Stone, said, “The gathering here remains 100% peaceful and ceremonial, as it has from day one. We are standing together in prayer. No firearms or weapons are allowed. Why is a gathering of Indians so inherently threatening and frightening to some people?” The camp is also drug and alcohol free.

Standing Rock Resistance Radio has been launched, at the local station 87.9 FM. It will soon be live online, when more equipment arrives to assist with cell service issues. For recently recorded segments, check out Censored News.