Help Support us During our Summer Fundraising Appeal!

“On the day the Trump administration withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, the City of Portland and Multnomah County committed to a goal of meeting 100 percent of community energy needs with renewable power by 2050. … Wheeler and others noted, however, that the heavy lifting would come in implementing the plan.”    –The Oregonian, June 1, 2017

One year ago, you made that happen! We have no doubt that the strong push from our community helped our locally-elected officials do the right thing. Now 350PDX, with the community-of-color-led Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) Coalition is working on the “heavy lifting”, and again, we need your support!

Will you give to our mid-year funding drive to support the crucial work of 350PDX?

PCEF is a ballot initiative endorsed by over 150 community organizations to put money behind the city’s clean energy goals, specifically for low-income and marginalized communities. This is what climate justice looks like, and with your help, we will get it passed in November!

This work is so important, the 350PDX board will match the first $7500 raised by July 31!

While PCEF is a top priority this year, our teams are taking climate action on multiple fronts:

  • Fossil Fuel Resistance won’t rest until the Jordan Cove gas terminal is stopped for good;
  • Divest/Reinvest is calling out Chase bank for their role in funding Jordan Cove;
  • State Legislature team is gearing up to get the Clean Energy jobs bill passed in Salem;
  • Arts, Communications, & Neighborhood teams do all this & more, in fun, creative ways!

On top of all this, we will soon be launching a search for new staff leadership. While this is a challenging time, 350PDX has become a powerful voice for climate justice in Portland, and we are still charging full steam ahead! (See other side.) Can we count on your tax-deductible donation today? Please consider being a sustaining donor (or increase your monthly gift) — regular donations help us stabilize our revenue stream for payroll and other fixed expenses.

Our fossil fuel infrastructure ban is being replicated in cities from Seattle to Baltimore,  and PCEF could be next. In fact,’s national 2018 strategic plan looks a lot like what we’re already doing here in Portland! That’s how important our work — and your support — is now.

THANK YOU for all you do! 350PDX was bigger than ever in 2017, and whether you attended an event, made a sign, or gave financial or moral support, you are a HUGE part of our success!

Motivated in solidarity,

Bernadette Rodgers, with the 350PDX Board & Staff


P.S. Remember, donations received by July 31 will be matched dollar-for-dollar. Please give today and help us reach our $7,500 goal!