Training from Stop the Money Pipeline
Training #1: Action Planning 101
Date & Time: Thurs, Sept 15th, 430-6 PT / 530-7 MT / 630-8 CT / 730-9 ET
What: This training will go over everything you need to know to run a successful action, including steps to take, art and materials, roles, outreach, press, and absorption.
RSVP for Training #1: Action Planning 101
Trainer: Patrick Houston. Patrick is an organizer and activist originally from Philadelphia. Over the past five years, he’s organized with New York Communities for Change to build and deploy political power in low-income Black and Latinx communities. Most recently he’s organized with The Sunrise Project, coordinating grassroots pressure on Wall Street to stop the money pipeline. Patrick has organized dozens of actions from 3 to 3,000 attendees targeting government, corporations, and the fossil fuel industry. He’s a grateful alum of the Community College of Philadelphia, holds a Bachelor’s from Swarthmore College, and is currently studying urban planning and policy at Tufts University.