Wed, Sept 6, 9am — City Hall (1221 SW 4th Ave) – learn more & RSVP here
Join us in showing up in huge numbers at the Portland City Council meeting (at City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave) on Wednesday, Sept 6th. We particularly want to hear from those of us who live in the Blast Zone of Zenith’s oil trains (that’s 250,000 Portland residents – check out this map to find out if that’s you).
These past few weeks, it’s come to light that members of the Portland City Council spent the end of last year striking a dirty backdoor deal with Zenith Energy. Records requests have revealed that Commissioners Rubio and Ryan were coordinating with Zenith officials to ensure they would receive their permit. And while the City was shutting out public participation, Zenith was treating Rubio and Ryan to VIP boat tours and site visits. We don’t deserve to have our elected officials going behind our backs, making a deal with a corporation that is threatening our community’s health and safety. Together, we’ll confront the City Councilors responsible for this backdoor deal and expose their reckless behavior to the Portland public and local media. Join us!