Dear ___________ Bank,

I suppose it’s unusual for you to get a cut-up credit card in the mail, so let me explain.

We are facing a climate emergency and we can’t continue business as usual. We have to convert to renewable energy and wean ourselves off fossil fuels. That means we have to stop building and expanding fossil fuel infrastructure, cease drilling for oil, mining coal and fracking for natural gas.

You are financing (if writing to JPMorgan Chase “you are number one in the world in financing”) pipelines, exploration and extraction, and/or building of import/export facilities.

So it’s pretty simple: Until you stop your practices that are leading to the end of the world as we know it, practices that will make the planet uninhabitable by the time my children/grandchildren reach high school, I’m not giving you any more of my business.

I look forward to hearing from when you have decided to clean up your act and think of the future of humanity and the planet over your bottom line.






Addendum: The 3 US Banks investing the most in Fossil Fuel projects 2016-2018

J.P. Morgan Chase: $195,663,000,000
Wells Fargo: $151,600,000,000
Bank of America: $106,690,000,000