It’s been nearly a year since the Portland Charter Review Commission came together to transform our City government, and they’ve just reached a milestone agreement on their first round of reforms:

  • Establishing ranked-choice voting for City Council positions – so elections are fair, functional, and representative for all voters
  • Expanding City Council to twelve members, creating 4 new geographic districts, each with 3 new representatives – so our Council is more reflective of and accountable to Portland’s diverse communities
  • Creating a new governance structure where City Council is focused on setting policies and the Mayor is focused on implementing them – so Councilmembers can better serve the people and our City bureaus can properly work together

If passed, these reforms would change the landscape of what’s possible for City action on climate justice for at least a decade to come. We have just one month left to make sure they’re on your ballot this November – read on to find out how you can take action!

Step 1: Join us for a Testimony Training on Monday, May 9th, from 6-7 PM on Zoom

The City-County Watchdog team will be joined by 350PDX’s own Brenna Bell to share more about what we can win for climate in the Charter Review process and get you ready to deliver powerful and effective testimony at the Charter Commission’s hearings!

If you can’t attend at this time, you can still RSVP at the link below – this workshop will be recorded so you can prepare for the Commission’s hearings at your own pace.

Step 2: Sign up to testify at a public hearing!

The Charter Commission is hosting four different hearings during the month of May; you only need to sign up for one, but please RSVP in advance using the button below! There’s opportunities to show up online or in person on the following dates:

  • Hearing #1: Tuesday, May 10th from 6-9pm (Hybrid, online & in-person)
  • Hearing #2: Thursday, May 12th from 6-9pm (Hybrid, online & in-person)
  • Hearing #3: Tuesday, May 17th from 6-9pm (Hybrid, online & in-person)
  • Hearing #4: Sunday, May 22nd from 12-3pm (in-person)

Step 3: Tell the Charter Commissioners to make climate justice a priority!

Whether you’re testifying at a hearing or submitting a written comment by May 30th, here’s our team’s take on what the Commission needs to hear right now:

  • The Charter Commission must pass the preliminary package of reforms, including:
    • Establishing ranked-choice voting for Portland
    • Creating four three-member geographic districts for a City Council of twelve
    • Shifting to a new government structure with a City Council focused on passing laws and a Mayor & city manager focused on implementing them
  • The Charter Commission must prioritize climate action and environmental justice in Phase II of the Charter Reform process by establishing a subcommittee to explore reforms such as:
    • Ensuring our City has a Bureau that has climate justice and resiliency at the top of its agenda
    • Establishing a bill of Environmental Rights and Responsibilities for the City and its residents
    • Respecting Indigenous leadership and tribal sovereignty in City decision-making processes
    • Creating pathways for impacted communities to participate fully in City processes through participatory budgeting and democratic lotteries

Questions? Email for more information!

We hope you’ll join us for this once-in-a-decade chance to win a City government capable of delivering safety, health, representation, and justice for all of our communities through the climate crisis to come.

In gratitude,

The 350PDX City-County Watchdog Team

P.S. Want to learn more about the City Charter Review and the City/County Watchdog Team? Contact Brooke ( or Indi ( for meeting details or for more info about the team.