Hello Everyone,
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2025! This edition is brimming with exciting updates, actions to take, and heartfelt gratitude. Before we dive in, we’d like to share that 350PDX is recruiting new board members. We strongly encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply, as well as individuals with finance experience to help guide our organization’s fiscal health and sustainability. Interested? Please reach out to: Devyn@350pdx.org. More info here.
Team Updates and Upcoming Events
Development & Community Engagement
Happy New Year to our 350PDX community! After a winter’s rest, we as a staff look back on all we accomplished in 2024 and are so thrilled to dive into our work this upcoming year. And this work would not be possible without you. A heartfelt thanks to all who supported our work by donating to our end-of-year campaign, attending the art sale, and sharing a social media post or a good word with friends and family. Together, our community raised over $90,000 to support our climate justice initiatives in community building, arts, climate policy, forest defense, and fossil fuel resistance. We are deeply grateful for all the abundance in our community that will allow us to thrive in 2025!
Next month, the 350PDX Book Club will gather Wednesday, February 5, to discuss Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s What if we Get it Right?: Visions of Climate Futures. Learn more and sign up here!
Climate Policy
State Advocacy Team during the Legislative Session
We’re beginning a new, short-term team just for the Oregon legislative session: January to June, 2025. Join us for virtual updates on our state policy priorities each month during the legislative session! REGISTER HERE to receive a Zoom link. Meetings will be from 6:30–8:00pm on the last Wednesday of each month. We will also have opportunities to help track bills, make your voice heard, and meet with legislators virtually or in Portland or Salem. The first meeting will be on January 29.
Join Divest Oregon’s Lobby Day
350PDX is a founding member of Divest Oregon. This year, the coalition is supporting SB 681: the Pause Act, with leadership from Senator Golden and Senator Pham. Do you want to attend an in-person lobby day or a virtual meeting with your legislator in the coming months? Sign up now and you’ll receive information about upcoming events and meetings.
Move Oregon Forward: Transportation Coalition, training 1/30
We’re also part of Move Oregon Forward (MOF), a coalition including environmental justice and climate organizations, active and public transportation advocates, and other groups interested in putting together a safe, efficient, and affordable transportation package that will meet our climate goals.
Check out this Report from the Oregon Legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation’s Listening Tour which highlights the priorities identified in over 1,000 public comments to legislators during last summer’s “transportation roadshow”. Nearly 75% of the comments highlighted the need for better public transportation, with other comments emphasizing active transportation, no freeway expansions, and the need to maintain the roads we have before building new ones. Prioritizing safety and taking climate action were the top two values discussed in the comments. If you’re interested in learning more about this coalition and advocating about these topics, mark your calendar for a Letter to the Editor Training organized by the MOF coalition on January 30 at 6:00pm. Register here to receive a Zoom link.
Fossil Fuel Resistance
Photo: Dana Schott
New year, no fear! Thank you to all who joined us for the rally on January 2nd at City Hall – we packed City Hall chambers with so many stop Zenith folks in red that they needed to open an overflow room. Now that’s a powerful way to start off the new year!
We are in a very urgent and fast-paced period in the campaign to Stop Zenith. As a quick refresher, this is due to Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s decision one month ago to issue a $372,600 fine to Zenith Energy for violating the terms of their permit, and requiring Zenith to obtain a new Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) from the City of Portland. Soon after, Zenith submitted a new LUCS application to the City that contains new uses like blending “sustainable aviation fuel” on site. Now the new Mayor and City Council are in a clear position to protect Portland’s residents, our river, and our climate by denying Zenith’s LUCS application – but we have to make sure this happens!
Join us in contacting Mayor Wilson and your 3 City Council members urging them to hold an open public process to evaluate Zenith’s LUCS decision and to deny the LUCS. This messaging guide has all you need to send an email. It’s very crucial that they hear from us right now, so thank you!
Get involved:
Start the year off right by joining the Fossil Fuel Resistance Team and diving deep into this exciting campaign with us! Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 14 at 5:30pm and it’s virtual. (Our meetings take place every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, and rotate between virtual and in-person at the 350PDX office on Mississippi Ave.) To join this meeting and receive the Zoom link, email Dineen: dineen@350pdx.org.

Arts Team
Happy New Year to all. The 350PDX Arts Team is looking forward to a creative year of powerful climate messages to bring to the streets. Can you help? If you’re interested in making and/or handling large climate puppets, let us know! If you can make it to our next Artbuild we’d love to have you there: January 12, 1:00-4:00pm at 350PDX (3639 N Mississippi Ave). RSVP to Donna: murph1949@aol.com
Washington County Team
In December, the Washington County Team gathered in-person to share concerns for the future and envision ways to make a difference during the next few years. We’re thrilled to share that our New Year’s Day hike at Chehalem Ridge Nature Park had the best turnout ever! We were especially delighted to have Senator Sollman join us for the walk. Our next online meeting will take place Tuesday, January 14. We’ll share information on Washington County campaigns, as well as climate policy work for the next legislative session. Our general activities include: connecting with the Beaverton and the Tigard Climate Action teams, stewarding our Pollinator Garden at Bagley Park in Hillsboro, and more! We always welcome newcomers to our events and to our monthly online meetings (6:30pm on the second Tuesday of the month). To receive updates from us, please sign up HERE.
In love and gratitude,
The 350PDX staff –
Brenna, Cherice, Denise, Dineen, Irene, Jessica, Katie