Hi Everyone,
Welcome to our now-monthly 350PDX newsletter, featuring team updates, action opportunities, upcoming events, and more!
As election season heats up, 350PDX is working hard to connect you with city council and mayoral candidates, as well as with critical climate issues in our region. Recent events have included city council candidate forums, a teach-in on false climate solutions, and a unique kayak tour of the Portland Harbor.
This month’s newsletter is bursting with more exciting events, and we look forward to seeing you at one—or all! Join us in making a difference!
Team Updates and Upcoming Events
Forests over Profits mobilization
The Forest Defense team helped organize a great False Climate Solutions teach-in on Tuesday, September 24 at the Climate Justice workshop. In collaboration with the Pacific NW Forest Climate Alliance, we hosted Thomas Joseph, Carbon Pricing Educator from the Indigenous Environmental Network, Julia Bernal, Director of the Pueblo Alliance and New Mexico No False Solutions Coalition, and Brenna Bell, 350PDX Forest Climate Manager. Each speaker highlighted a different false climate solution – carbon offsets, “renewable” hydrogen, and industrial biomass energy – and came back to the same theme: capitalism and colonialism are at the root of the climate crisis and the only real climate solutions are ones that move away from these systems. We look forward to more collaboration with Thomas and Julia.
On Wednesday, September 25th about 60 people braved the rain and protested the timberland investment conference, Canopy (formerly “Who Will Own the Forest”), at the World Forestry Center. With songs, chants and speeches, we let them know that just greenwashing the name and rhetoric of the conference does not mask its true intent to transform more land and natural processes into money. A wet and lively time was had by all!
Shade Equity Social
It’s time for our quarterly Shade Equity Social and you’re invited! On Tuesday, October 15th we’ll be hosting an Election Edition of the Social in which we’ll discuss the Shade Equity Platform (and which candidates have signed on), how to talk about this issue – and ranked choice voting – with our friends and neighbors, and plans for continuing to make shade equity an important issue after the election.
The social is from 6:00-8:00pm pm at the Climate Justice Workshop (3639 N. Mississippi); food & drink and childcare will be provided. Please register here!
International Day of Action to Break Big Biomass
Join folks from around the country on October 21 for the Break Big Biomass: National Call to Action from 5:00-6:30pm. 350PDX has joined organizations from around the country to envision and plan this exciting online event that will feature elected officials, community leaders from the Gulf South to the West Coast, and issue experts who will detail industry impacts and raise the alarm about the biomass industries’ current US expansion plans.
We will also be calling people to action! Each participant will receive an “action packet” designed to get folks involved in the work to fight the expansion of industrial biomass energy facilities, like the Drax export facility proposed for Longview. Register for the day of action webinar today!
Get Connected
The Forest Defense team meets on the first Monday of the month in person and the third Monday online, from 6:00-7:30pm. If you want to get connected with the team, please contact team co-leads Felice Kelly (felice.kelly@gmail.com) or Tyler Gilmore (tyler@350pdx.org), or Forest Climate Manager Brenna Bell (brenna@350pdx.org).
Climate Policy
Climate Justice Voter & Candidate Update
With changes to Portland’s government structure and voting system, 350PDX has been hosting events to educate city council and mayoral candidates on climate issues, organize climate justice voters, and create spaces for voters and candidates to discuss these topics. Recent highlights include:
Climate and Environmental Justice Tours and Info Sessions for Candidates, most recently: a September 21 Portland Harbor Kayak Tour & Info Session. Thanks to Mosquito Fleet, Portland Harbor Community Coalition, Willamette Riverkeeper, and Braided River for joining us on stage and sharing their work!
Climate-focused City Council Candidate Forums with candidates who have met the small donor match threshold:- District 4: September 26. Candidates: Sarah Silkie, Eric Zimmerman, Mitch Green, Lisa Freeman, Ben Hufford, Moses Ross, Chris Henry
- District 2: October 1. Candidates: Marnie Glickman, Sameer Kanal, Debbie Kitchin, Mike Marshall, Chris Olson, Jennifer Park, Tiffani Penson, Laura Streib, Jonathan Tasini, Nat West
- District 3: October 2. Candidates: Rex Burkholder, Daniel DeMelo, Chris Flanary, Tiffany Koyama Lane, Angelita Morillo, Ahlam Osman
To see video of your district’s forum, check out our blog. To see a comprehensive list of recent and upcoming events, our Climate Justice Platform, and soon-to-released Voter Guide, check out our 2024 climate justice voter page. We will be unveiling our Climate Justice Voter Guide on October 15, right before ballots are mailed out!
Great Support for CPP!
It was inspiring to witness everyone who spoke up and wrote in about restoring the Climate Protection Program! Members of our Climate Justice Policy Team showed up for the virtual hearing on August 21 and the virtual and in-person hearing at the Department of Environmental Quality on September 26. Our team members attended Electrify Portland to help generate written comments. Together with other organizations that make up the Coalition for Climate and Economic Justice, we generated hundreds of written comments to show that Oregonians care about doing our part to protect our region and our planet, reducing emissions from major polluters, and centering environmental justice through the Community Climate Investment portion of the policy. Major polluters—oil and gas companies—put up strong opposition, so every voice speaking up for a healthy and equitable community is crucially important.
I-5 Bridge Replacement public comment period
The long and winding saga of the I-5 Bridge Replacement project continues: a public comment period is open from now until November 18, 2024, with the opportunity to comment on the new Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. This bridge needs upgrades to make it earthquake safe, but we also want to make sure it minimizes greenhouse gas emissions, does minimal damage to river ecosystems, and does not harm the health and homes of people living near the bridge. Mark your calendar to attend our testimony training with the Just Crossing Alliance on November 11. Click here to learn more, including how to submit your comments!
Save the dates!
Mark your calendars for a mayoral forum on October 20, 6:30-8:30pm featuring several candidates who have met the small donor match threshold. We’ll send out more information soon with a location and other details.
Our October Action Night will be on the 23rd at our 350PDX workshop, 3639 N Mississippi Ave. We’ll have printed copies of our Climate Justice Voter Guide for you to peruse and to take some home to share. We’ll offer training on ranked choice voting, so bring your ballot if you’d like, and we’ll help demystify the new format! Engage with your community to discuss district candidates, environmental justice, and how we can transition our city towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all. RSVP so we know how many people to expect, and sign up if you’d like to help!
Introducing Our New Student Team
We have an excellent group of students joining our staff this school year to help us track bills, coordinate campaigns, and assist with communications! Please join us in welcoming the following students: Sima Fasihi, Max Hanley, Andy Laurila, Emma Niemela, Santiago Nolasco Galicia, Alex Silva, Liz Zlobinsky.
If you would like information about opportunities for students such as internships, practicum, field experience, or work study, please contact Cherice Bock (cherice@350pdx.org).
Arts Team
We have company coming! The Arts Team has an Artbuild coming up, October 13, 1:00-4:00pm, at the 350PDX Workshop (3639 N. Mississippi Ave). That Sunday we’ll be cleaning up the place, pushing our mural along, and preparing materials for our visit from Donovan Zimmerman and Paperhand Puppet Intervention in November! Come to talk, snack, and help us! Please let Donna know if you’ll be there: murph1949@aol.com
Save the date! 350PDX is hosting an evening with Paperhand Puppet Intervention with Donovan Zimmerman, and will include an Artbuild afterwards. November 15th, 7:00pm. Sliding scale admission, $10-15, all proceeds go to 350PDX. Thank you, Donna, Lauren, Dannika, Allison.
Fossil fuel Resistance Team
Our team’s main focus right now is gearing up for the upcoming DEQ Comment Period on Zenith Energy’s Air Quality permit. Soon there will be an info session we can attend to ask questions ahead of the comment period, and in November there will be 2 in-person public hearings where we will be calling on you to join us in submitting testimony and showing up to the rallies right before the hearings. Stay tuned for comment and testimony writing workshops, and more!
Last Friday, we co-hosted an amazing event featuring TN Rep. Justin Pearson. Thank you to all who attended this hopeful and inspiring evening. You can watch the recording of this here.
Get connected:
The Fossil Fuel Resistance Team’s next meeting is on Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30 pm on ZOOM. Please email dineen@350pdx.org for the link. Our next in-person meeting is on Tuesday, October 29 at the 350PDX office and there will be Halloween treats! New to the team and want to have a new member orientation? Reach out to Dineen at dineen@350pdx.org.
SW Neighborhood Team
The 350PDX Southwest Team includes neighborhoods on the south and west sides of Portland, from PSU to Hillsdale, Multnomah Village, Bethany, Beaverton and Lake Oswego. We meet monthly on Zoom to plan for in-person actions, presentations, and discussions in our communities. Sign up on the 350PDX Volunteer Interest Form and indicate that you are interested in joining the group, or reach out to Pat at patk5@msn.com to learn more.
Here are some ways to get involved:
1. Participate in our monthly online planning meetings. Next meeting is Monday, October 14th at 6:30pm. 2. Sign up to distribute yard signs promoting Climate Action Now! at community events. 3. Join our weekly street corner demonstrations.
Team members will be tabling at the Hillsdale Farmers Market on Sunday, October 13th to distribute signs to residents who support Climate Action Now! Do you have a highly visible location for a yard sign? Interested in scheduling a “How to Save Our Planet” presentation which is available to groups and community organizations? Please contact Pat (see email above).
Washington County Team
The Washington County Team gathered on Saturday, September 7 for our summer community potluck. While enjoying camaraderie, we decided that our primary goal would be to get out the vote for progressive candidates at every level. Our next monthly zoom online meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 8. We’ll share about the recent Legislative Days sessions and efforts on the CPP rulemaking. Our next sign-wave will take place on Saturday, October 19 from 11am-12:00pm. Check our Facebook page for details.
Our general activities include: connecting with the Beaverton Climate Action and the Tigard Climate Action teams; getting out the vote in this very important election year; stewarding our Pollinator Garden at Bagley Park in Hillsboro, and more! We always welcome newcomers to our regular monthly 6:30pm second Tuesday (online) meetings and at all our events. If you are in Washington County and would like to receive updates from us, please sign up HERE. You can also “like” our Facebook page for updates.
In love and gratitude,
The 350PDX staff –
Anissa, Brenna, Cherice, Denise, Dineen, Irene, Katie