Welcome to the 350PDX Calendar

This is where all events, trainings, film screenings, art builds and team meetings will appear. Everything on this calendar is open to anyone, so feel free to come along to anything and everything, even if you're just testing out a new team. Some ask you to RSVP, and others you can just show up.

Event Series 350PDX Art Build

350PDX Art Build

The 350PDX Arts Team hosts a monthly art build to create posters, puppets, t-shirts and more for upcoming climate justice actions. Join them this on the second Sunday of the […]

Home Electrification Fair

Learn how to power your home with clean energy at the Electrify Portland! Home Electrification Fair Sunday, September 15th 2024 • 12-4pm • The Redd on Salmon A free, festive […]

Protecting Forests for the Climate Book Talk & Panel Discussion

Stevens Pavilion at the Hoyt Arboretum 3119 SW Fairview Blvd, Portland, oregon

Join Canopy of the Titans co-author Paul Koberstein, 350PDX Forest Climate Manager Brenna Bell, and NW Forest Climate Organizer Alex Budd for an event highlighting past and present struggles to protect Pacific […]

Portland Harbor Tour & Event

350PDX, Portland Harbor Community Coalition, Mosquito Fleet, and other partner groups are inviting Portland city council and mayoral candidates to a kayak tour of Portland Harbor on Saturday, September 21. […]