Welcome to the 350PDX Calendar

This is where all events, trainings, film screenings, art builds and team meetings will appear. Everything on this calendar is open to anyone, so feel free to come along to anything and everything, even if you're just testing out a new team. Some ask you to RSVP, and others you can just show up.

Partner Event: Climate Cafe PDX

Climate Cafes are a place to process climate related emotions with people in our community. Free and open to all. Masks are required and provided. This Climate Cafe will be […]

Event Series 350PDX Art Build

350PDX Art Build

The 350PDX Arts Team hosts a monthly art build to create posters, puppets, t-shirts and more for upcoming climate justice actions. Join them this on the second Sunday of the […]

CEI Hub Press Conference

On April 16th at 11am at the Augustana Lutheran Church there will be a Press Conference to announce the release of the CEI Hub Letter to Public Officials. We welcome […]

350PDX April Action Night

350PDX Rebuilding Center - 3639 N Mississippi Ave., Portland, OR, United States

  Join us for our monthly 350PDX Action Night, a monthly in-person gathering at our office where new and seasoned people interested in the climate justice movement gather to network, […]

Earth Day Celebration in the Sunnyside Neighborhood!

11:30 am –- Meet at Sunnyside Schoolyard (SE 35th and Taylor St.) 12:00 pm –- Parade! Plant and animal costumes, signs, and sounds encouraged! Loop around the neighborhood. 1:30 pm […]