Welcome to the 350PDX Calendar

This is where all events, trainings, film screenings, art builds and team meetings will appear. Everything on this calendar is open to anyone, so feel free to come along to anything and everything, even if you're just testing out a new team. Some ask you to RSVP, and others you can just show up.

Event Series 350PDX Art Build

350PDX Art Build

The 350PDX Arts Team hosts a monthly art build to create posters, puppets, t-shirts and more for upcoming climate justice actions. Join them this on the second Sunday of the month, from 1-4pm at the Rebuilding Center (3625 N Mississippi Ave, Portland). Read more about the Arts Team here. No experience necessary! Please email Donna […]

Event Series Southwest Team Meeting

Southwest Team Meeting

We are a neighborhood team of 350PDX, eager to welcome all who want visit or join us ongoing. We are people passionately concerned about climate justice, since climate solutions without justice for those most impacted are not viable solutions. We meet once a month (on Zoom or outdoor in-person, depending on the weather), to learn […]

Fossil Fuel Resistance Team Meeting

ONLINE/REMOTE! Email dineen@350pdx.org or melanie.plaut@gmail.com for link.

** We meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Our meetings rotate between virtual and in-person, with in-person meetings either at the 350PDX office on Mississippi, or when it's nice out, in a team member's backyard. Please email dineen@350pdx.org for current meeting details for this meeting! ** In order to fight […]

Event Series Washington County Team Meeting

Washington County Team Meeting

Monthly meetings are for the most part held online, and include informational presentations, videos, great conversations and updates on local and state issues and actions. All are welcome. Please email debbygactivism@gmail.com for the meeting link if you'd like to attend. In addition, there are regular sign waving actions and other public actions as opportunities arise. […]

Event Series Climate Justice Policy Team

Climate Justice Policy Team

The 350PDX Climate Justice Policy Team meets monthly on the second Wednesday at 6:30pm, usually virtually. We work on issues related to climate policy, mainly at the City of Portland and State of Oregon levels. We discuss opportunities for advocacy, and there are options for those who are interested in research or organizing lobby days […]

Event Series Forest Defense Team Meeting

Forest Defense Team Meeting

Forests are among the largest stores of living carbon on the planet, and it turns out that the forests of western Oregon have a higher carbon density than almost any other forest type in the world. Unfortunately, the destruction and mismanagement of these forests over the past century has transferred massive amounts of stored carbon […]

Event Series Action Night

Action Night

350PDX Rebuilding Center - 3639 N Mississippi Ave., Portland, OR, United States

Each month, we gather for Action Night to learn about ways you can take action and to gather with a community of great folks who care about climate and environmental justice. Food and drinks are provided, and you can also bring a snack to share if you'd like. This is a great way to get […]

Event Series State Advocacy Team

State Advocacy Team

This is a new, short-term team just for the Oregon legislative session: January to June, 2025. Join us for virtual updates each month! REGISTER HERE to receive a Zoom link. Meetings will be from 6:30–8pm on the last Wednesday of each month. We will also have opportunities for helping track bills, meeting with legislators virtually […]