Blocking the Gates to Puget Sound Energy’s LNG #nolng253

People up and down the West Coast of the US and Canada are taking direct action and uniting against the fossil fuel industry’s contribution to climate change and continued destruction of the land, air, and water.

Today, about 250 people arrived at 6AM on Puyallup Tribal lands (with an invitation) and have been blocking three gates to a construction site at Puget Sound Energy’s Tacoma Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility.

Puget Sound Energy is building additional infrastructure for the LNG facility in Tacoma without completing the permitting process. 350 Tacoma and 350 Seattle are standing with the Puyallup Tribe to protect the land and demand that the Treaty of Medicine Creek be honored. About 5 members from 350PDX drove up last night to join the action and members here in Portland are spreading the word. 

Stay tuned and help spread the word about this action by sharing on social media and using #nolng253 and #standwithpuyallup. Follow live updates from 350PDX members in Tacoma as well as from Block the Gate‘s event page.

Coal, Oil, Gas: None shall pass!