Be a Climate Hero This Summer!


bike copy350PDX is gearing up to engage 5,000 people this summer in climate action, telling our leaders to stop investing in oil and coal companies, stop new fossil fuel export projects, and put a price on fossil pollution, and we need you to help us spread the word and gather signatures for the Oregon Climate Declaration!

Be a Dad to the Earth this Father’s Day – June 21st

Join us at Sunday Parkways on Father’s Day, June 21st, as we engage the public on climate action.

RSVP for Sunday Parkways.

Jam with us at the Blues Festival – July 2nd-5th

We’ll be hanging out at the Waterfront Blues Festival talking climate action. If you help at the event, not only will you be helping the climate, but all the money donated to get you into the event goes to the Oregon Food Bank. Sign up for a shift!

Sign up for the Blues Festival.

Taste Oregon’s Finest Beers at the Oregon Brewer’s Fest – July 22nd-26th

5581146280_110ed56691_oOver 80,000 people attend Portland’s Annual Oregon Brewer’s Festival with over 90 craft beers to choose from. We’ll be there tasting great beer and talking climate action. Join us for a shift.

Sign-up for Oregon Brewer’s Fest.

Spread the Word

If you can’t make any of these events, or even if you can, please share the Oregon Climate Declaration through email and social media and sign it if you haven’t already.

Sign the Oregon Climate Declaration

-Zach Mulholland
Field Organizer
350 Oregon