Action Alert: Protest Today @ Oregonian
In response to the Oregonian’s articles and opinion pieces against the Healthy Climate Bill and the Coal Transition Bill, we (350PDX, Renew Oregon, OLCV, OEC) are doing a fun direct action this Friday (today).
WHAT: Visibility at the Oregonian, including dropping off coal, people and dogs in dinosaur costumes, waving signs and chanting, and having lots of fun!
WHEN: Friday, starting at 3:30pm, we will go until about 5pm
WHERE: The Oregonian office at 1500 SW 1st. (we will be at the NE corner of the building – look for the big dinosaur)
BRING: Signs, dogs in dinosaurs costumes, more people in dinosaur costumes
The Oregonian took a stance on climate change. Recently, it has published articles like this one, titled, “Big, complicated and potentially expensive climate bills pass out of committee at Legislature.” Talk about an unbalanced title. It’s so slanted my eyes are still rolling.
A “friendly dinosaur” is a self-serving claim presented as scientific or intellectually honest fact. The Oregonian is full of friendly dinosaurs. Let’s make their acquaintance today in protest.
Come out today and join a fun protest. If you can’t join in person, tell the editorial board what you think: