350PDX Weekly Update – 6 days to go – Oct 28 2020
Hi everyone,
Well this is the last weekly update before Election Day. To go with the theme of 2020 – rapid response adaptation to unprecedented events – over the past few weeks we’ve been busily preparing for this election, particularly for what will happen if those in power refuse to accept the results.
Our General Meeting on Monday night was on this topic – here’s the recording, and the slides. We went through various scenarios that could play out, talked about our view of power and the theory behind how that power can be toppled, and then shared some of the ways you can get prepared for next week. You can read about much of what we talked about in our election plan here too.
The main point is that in order to protect the results of the election and to make sure every vote is counted there’s a high likelihood of mass mobilizations in the days after Nov 3. So clear your schedules, attend some trainings, stock up on supplies (just in case), talk to at least 5 people who would go into the streets with you, and keep your eye out for action alerts on this mailing list.
We’re part of a large coalition planning for this here locally, and connected to national level conversations too, so we’ll hear about plans for mobilizations, strikes, and other disruptive actions early on, and will pass on those action alerts to this mailing list as quickly as we can.
One thing you can do right now is take the pledge to defend democracy:
- We will vote.
- We will refuse to accept election results until all the votes are counted.
- We will nonviolently take to the streets if a coup is attempted.
- If we need to, we will shut down “business as usual” to protect the integrity of the democratic process.
Take this pledge and pass it along to as many people as you can.
From isthisacoup.com , a website measuring how close to a coup we are
Graphic of a speedometer with 4 sections: Democracy, Preparing For A Coup, Attempted Coup, and Coup, with the needle pointed at Preparing for a Coup
Here’s your 350PDX weekly update.
As a tragic reminder that the fight for Black lives must continue, Walter Wallace Jr., a Black man experiencing a mental health crisis was murdered by police this week in Philadelphia. Patrisse Cullors, of the Black Lives Matter Global Network said: “This isn’t policing — it’s destruction. It’s the legal, systematic killing of Black people. Another video, another name, another person who deserved help, not death.
Black lives are not controversial. Legislation to protect Black lives is not controversial. When we show up to the polls, they cannot ignore us. When we say Black Lives Matter, they cannot ignore us, no matter how hard they try.
We won’t let Walter down. We won’t let our other brothers and sisters that have been senselessly taken from us by police down. We bow our heads to pray, and we raise our fists up high because Black Lives Matter, today and every day.”
All these actions and more can be found on our website’s Take Action page – 350pdx.org/action
6 days until the election – join 350PDX’s Get Out the Vote Elections Team
It’s the final stretch. Sign up here for the last week of phonebanking opportunities to Get Out The Vote around the country.
Demand Divestment from the PPB
Every year, the City of Portland readjusts or “monitors” its budget in the fall. The Fall Budget Monitoring Process (Fall BMP, pronounced bump) is usually a technical meeting without much public participation.
Due to COVID-19 budget shortfalls and continued police violence against Black people, activists, organizations, and organizers realize that the Fall BMP is a place for us to further demand divestment from the Portland Police Bureau and reinvestment in non-punitive programming.
Support Imagine Black (formerly PAALF) budget demands by clicking HERE to send a letter to Council
Unite Oregon also have a letter to send to City Council with their demands here. The City Council meeting is TODAY so get your letters in quick!
Demand that Chase and Blackrock walk away from the Saudi Aramco Deal
JP Morgan Chase just announced it will align its business model with the Paris Climate Agreement. BlackRock just supported its first-ever resolution addressing deforestation company supply chains. Those two announcements are huge — but the companies are already backtracking. The two financial giants just started discussing a deal worth over $10 billion with Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, to provide it with a major influx of cash as oil prices hit an all-time low due to the pandemic. Saudi Aramco is one of the world’s primary drivers of climate chaos. What’s more, these global brand names in world finance would be helping Saudi Arabia whitewash its appalling record of human rights violations. Click here to send an email to decision-makers!
Water for Warm Springs – Helping Tribal Allies in Time of Need
The people of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs—the largest Indian reservation in the state of Oregon—are now in the second year of a devastating water crisis due to a series of pressure breaks in their community water lines. Over 60% of Warm Springs residents do not have regular, consistent access to clean water for personal or domestic use. Many Warm Springs residents have been under a series of boil water orders for the past two years.
Read more about how you can help here – donate, advocate, and educate.
- We’re hiring: Digital Communications Contractor
We’re looking for a communications professional to join our team temporarily for the next few months to help us improve our digital communication systems. Have experience in this area and want to join our growing team to fight the climate crisis? See more details and apply here.
- OJTA is hiring an executive director
Please spread the word! Learn more here. The deadline to apply is November 5.
“As of August 1, the Oregon Just Transition Alliance (OJTA) spun off from OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon, and is now an independent statewide alliance with a fiscal sponsor. We are so grateful to OPAL for incubating OJTA for the last 3.5 years, so that we could gain the momentum and strength we need to become an independent alliance! We are not a 501c3, but we now have the ability to fundraise and develop programs independently. Learn more and apply here!“
- Moving Forward, Staying Grounded: A Mental Health Toolbox for Climate-Concerned Parents, Caregivers & Activist
Thurs Oct 29, 11:00AM – 12:00PM – Online
This webinar is presented by Families for a Livable ClimateFor parents concerned about the climate crisis, taking action to make a difference can help both the movement and our own mental health. But sometimes the gravity of the issue, along with the many demands on our time as busy parents, can be emotionally and mentally difficult to navigate.
Dr. Thomas Doherty will discuss healthy ways that parents can engage with global climate change and other social and environmental issues. He will help attendees reflect on their guiding beliefs and values as parents, understand their environment identity, and support the developmental needs of children and people across the lifespan. He will share insights from research on the mental health impacts of climate change and development of environmental behaviors for people from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. Parents will gain tools to regulate their emotions and stress about climate change, and be more empowered to talk about environmental issues. Parents will also learn ways to find their comfort zone and set healthy boundaries and priorities regarding advocacy and activism.
- No Military Drone Testing in Portland – Halloween Flotilla
Sun Nov 1, 12:00PM – Cathedral Park Boat Launch
Verizon wants to bring a drone testing facility to North Portland, near Cathedral Park. They don’t think there is any problem with testing drones up and down the Willamette because, as they told neighbors, “no one uses the river anyway.”
After a summer when racial justice protesters were surveilled by military drones, a coalition of community groups has come together to resist this plan.
Join on Sunday for a rally and flotilla at the Cathedral Park Boat Launch to show that WE use the river, and Verizon’s creepy drones aren’t welcome in Portland! If you have a boat, raft, canoe, or kayak you are welcome to join the Halloween flotilla. Masks and distancing required. RSVP on Facebook + invite friends. You can also sign the petition here.
- Fridays 4 Freedom – Election Day Action
Tues Nov 3, Meet @ 5:00PM, March @ 6:00PM – Revolution Hall
A march for unity organized by one of the main Black Lives Matter groups. More details on their Instagram here.
- Defend Democracy Action
Weds Nov 4, Meet 3:00PM, March 4:00PM – Revolution Hall -> Waterfront
Electoral Justice is Racial Justice. Black Lives Matter. Count Every Vote. We will mobilize a massive non-violent action on Wednesday, November 4th beginning at Revolution Hall in solidarity with nationwide networks and local coalition members. 350PDX is a proud member of 40+ groups that comprise PDX Defend Democracy Coalition. Details may change! Keep an eye out on this email list for more details closer to the time.
- Portland Black Lives Matter Protests
Every day @ across the city – details here
Click here for our advice for showing up to protestGet more involved in BLM actions through our BLM Volunteer Form here. Here are some actions we’ve picked out this week:
Justice for Patrick Kimmons Rally & March
Thurs Oct 29, 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Portland City Hall (check Instagram here for changes)
Thank you all for the work that you do, stay safe, we’re all in this together,
Ashley, Chris, Chuck, Dineen, Indi, Lucy – the 350PDX staff