350PDX Weekly Update – 1 in 3 Americans experienced a climate disaster over the past few months – Sept 22 2021
Hi everyone,
Nearly 1 in 3 Americans experienced a climate disaster over the past few months, including all of us here in Portland. The weight of the climate crisis is upon us all, physically and emotionally. Join us tonight for a self and community care session for climate justice activists.
A Forest of Roots: Self and Community Care for Climate Justice Activists
TONIGHT Wed Sept 22, 7:00PM – 8:30PM, Online, register here
Whether you are new to activism, or a veteran organizer, so much bad news regarding the climate emergency is overwhelming and disheartening. Along with the cascading multiple traumas of pandemic, racism, fascism, and other ills, we are navigating our hearts, bodies, and minds through… well, A LOT. A justice movement is not just about “doing”. A central question, especially now, is “who shall I be, no matter what happens?”
This gathering is an introduction, an invitation, and an opportunity to share in community our hearts and wisdom as we navigate trauma, grief, anger, and other emotions together so that we may root down and take care of ourselves and each other through the storms. We will share stances and strategies for managing uncertainty in the storms of change.
This 90 minute online event is facilitated by Barbara Ford, teacher, artist, and longtime 350PDX volunteer. More information about Barbara here. 350PDX is re-invigorating the Climate Odyssey team to offer support for these times. Look for more offerings in the future.
For quick actions like petitions, check out our Take Action Page. See here for our broader Volunteer Opportunities.
The Oregon Treasury has the responsibility of investing our state’s public money, and right now billions of dollars are invested in the fossil fuel industry. Not only is this morally unconscionable in this time of a rapidly worsening climate crisis, it’s also an irresponsible financial investment for Oregonians. Oregon should be at the leading edge of climate-safe investments to support a sustainable future for us all.
Our Defund/Divest team is a part of the newly-launched Divest Oregon campaign, working to get the Oregon Treasury to divest their holdings in the fossil fuel industry. Will you join us by writing to Treasurer Tobias Read and all members of the Oregon Investment Council? Once you’ve sent that quick email, join us in calling the Treasury:
Treasurer Tobias Read: 503-378-4329
Treasury Main Office: 503-378-4000
Treasury Tigard Office: 503-431-7900
Sample script:
“Hello. Thank you for taking my call. This is ____ from ____. I’m concerned about how the Oregon Treasury is investing our funds. I am a [PERS member, Oregonian, union member, etc.]. The funds of PERS and the Oregon Treasury are at risk. Those funds should be put into climate-safe investments that increase our resiliency as a people and as a state.
Treasury needs to act: 1) No NEW investments in fossil fuels should be made since they pose a financial, health, and climate risk to Oregonians. 2) Disclose Oregon Treasury fossil fuel holdings, and 3) phase out all current fossil fuel investments and move to climate-safe investments using a social justice framework. I will be watching to see how the Treasury responds to these requests. Thank you for your work to make the Oregon Treasury climate. Again, this is ____ from _____ and I can be reached at _______ for a response.”
Tell Wyden: No Fossil Fuel Subsidies
On Sept 13 the House Ways and Means Committee released an outline of proposed revenue-raising legislation for the Build Back Better Act. The draft text contains various tax reforms to fund President Joe Biden’s priorities and would end key international tax breaks for fossil fuel companies. But it fails to eliminate domestic fossil fuel subsidies.
Can you email or call Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, to ensure fossil fuel domestic subsidies are eliminated in the budget reconciliation package? More info here.
202-224-5244 ; Email here
Sample script:
“Hello, I’m calling/emailing for Senator Ron Wyden. My name is ____, I am an Oregon constituent, and I am calling to ask you to ensure that fossil fuel subsidies, both nationally and internationally, are eliminated in the budget reconciliation package. Thank you”
Feel free to add a reason too, e.g. “because my tax dollars shouldn’t be going to subsidize the biggest polluters on the planet”.
People vs. Fossil Fuels – Action in Washington DC Oct 11-15
This October, thousands of people will come to DC to demand that President Biden end the fossil fuel era. He must stop approving fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency right now, ahead of the United Nations climate summit in November.
Take action over 5 days to highlight the damage done by fossil fuels, the climate impacts we are already facing, and the need for real solutions rooted in justice. Attend yourself, or pass onto to people you know in the DC area.
– Monday, October 11th: Indigenous-led action on Indigenous Peoples Day.
– Tuesday, October 12: Fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis.
– Wednesday, October 13: Climate chaos is happening now.
– Thursday, October 14: We need real solutions, not false promises.
– Friday, October 15: We did not vote for fossil fuels. Youth-led action. -
Looking for supplies for our new office
We’ve just moved into our new office in the Rebuilding Center on N Mississippi Avenue! You’ll hear more about our new space soon, for now we’re still settling in and with the delta surge still partly working from home. But in the meantime we’re looking for some donated supplies to make the space our own:
– electric tea kettle
– house plants
– snacks
– art supplies
– coffee and tea
Reach out to dineen@350pdx.org to set up a drop off time. Thank you so much! -
350PDX is recruiting new board members
Do you believe environmental policies and practices should center the needs of those hit first and worst by climate chaos?
Do you believe in a climate future grounded in racial equity?
Interested in building transparent, just and accountable systems?
Want to participate in creating a culture of climate resiliency, optimism, and anti-racism?
350PDX is recruiting new board members! And, if you answered yes to any of these questions, that could be you! Read more here.
Report exposes dangers of methane gas & NW Natural’s misinformation campaign
In case you missed it, 350PDX and 64 other organizations from around the region recently released a comprehensive report titled, “Methane Gas: Health, Safety, and Decarbonization: Setting the Record Straight,” and sent it to elected and appointed officials in Oregon and Washington. The report was written as means to curtail confusion created by NW Natural and other fossil fuel entities’ purposeful misinformation campaigns targeting elected officials and the public. It’s a great resource to use to learn more about the health, safety, economic, and climate impacts of gas and methane, and the need to decarbonize our building sector, which is responsible for about 1/3rd of Oregon’s climate pollution. Read the report here, and check out what our partners had to say about it!
- Global Climate StrikeFri Sept 24
11:00 am – rally at the plaza at Oregon Convention Center (Corner of NE MLK and NE Holladay)
11:30 am – march to City Hall where youth will present their demandsThis Friday, students and youth from around the world will be striking from school to sound the alarm on the climate crisis and demand that our elected officials take meaningful action towards climate justice.
Masks are required! Bring signs, friends, and family with you.
Follow Portland Youth Climate Strike on Instagram for updates and more information.Striking from school is no small task. It’s a sacrifice these students are taking to demonstrate the severity of the crisis we’re facing and the boldness we need from our elected officials. It’s the exact kind of leadership and courage we need in this moment. Let’s show up and support them!
- 350 Washington County film screening: Reinventing Power: America’s Renewable Energy Boom.Sat Sept 25, 2:00PM – 4:00PM, Online, register here
Join 350 Washington County VIRTUALLY ONLINE for another thought-provoking film and conversation. We hope for a great turnout and conversation just like our past film events. Bring your friends and family and let’s explore issues and talk!
Free film and free (you make!) popcorn, and lots of expertise on climate crisis issues in the room to support in-depth conversation.
Reinventing Power: America’s Renewable Energy Boom (produced by the Sierra Club), takes the viewer across the country to hear directly from the people making our clean energy future achievable. These individuals are working to rebuild what’s broken, rethink what’s possible, and revitalize communities. Critically, Reinventing Power underscores the notion that jobs, economic growth and innovation don’t have to be sacrificed for a clean environment. Over the film’s 50 minutes, it focuses on people in eight states whose lives were changed by the renewable energy industry while exploring various aspects of clean energy from innovation to installation.
- Sidewalk Vigils for Climate Action Now – SW PDXEvery Friday in September, 8:00AM – 9:00AM, corner of SW Terwilliger and SW Taylor’s Ferry
Join the 350PDX Southwest Neighborhood Team for: Sidewalk Vigils for Climate Action Now: Fridays 8:00-9:00 a.m., corner of SW Terwilliger and SW Taylor’s Ferry. Park in lot of empty market on left coming from I-5. We have signs to lend!
- 350PDX October General MeetingWed Oct 6, 6:00PM – 7:30PM, Online, register here
Join us for this month’s General Meeting which is open to all and is a great place for new and existing volunteers to meet staff and other volunteers, come and hear what the other teams are up to, and to do a deep dive into a topic.
This month we’ll be exploring our Defund/Divest team’s new statewide campaign – Divest Oregon.
- 350PDX Volunteer OrientationThurs Oct 14, 6:00PM – 7:30PM, Online, register here
A great place to get started with 350PDX – hear what we’re all about, meet some cool people, and start finding your place in the climate justice movement here in Portland!
- Fall Training Series – Skilling Up For Climate ActionJoin these free trainings offered for all 350 groups across the country, whether you’re brand new or a longtime activist. Register and you’ll receive slides and recordings afterwards too, even if you can’t make it. More info on all the trainings here.
All trainings are Saturdays 11:00am – 1:00pm:
– Saturday, Oct 16th – Climate Justice: Principles of Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, intersections between climate and social justice movements, how to identify and address white supremacy culture and inequity in our groups and work.
– Saturday, Oct 30th – Strategic Messaging: Why storytelling and messaging are essential to our work, how to create a just and equitable narrative that supports campaign strategies using non-extractive storytelling, and best practices for communicating our message.
– Saturday, Nov 20th – Organizing and Movement Building: Why build a movement? How to recruit, engage, and onboard new volunteers, develop volunteer leadership, and build community.
– Saturday, Dec 4th – Strategic Campaigning: How to choose a campaign, map out decision makers, allies and opponents, plan campaign goals, timeline, and roles, and select effective tactics using a justice and equity lens.
– Saturday, Dec 18th – Policy Advocacy: How to advocate, how legislative bodies work, and how to influence elected officials–with examples from local affiliates to demonstrate common tactics and best practices. - Portland Black Lives Matter Protests
Throughout the week @ across the city – details here
Click here for our advice for showing up to protest
Thank you all for the work that you do, stay safe, we’re all in this together,
Chris, Dineen, Gaby, Indi, Jana – the 350PDX staff