350PDX at Sunday Parkways in May

Two 350PDX volunteers sharing information at a Sunday Parkways event in May 2017.

A small handful of volunteers brought 350PDX to the Sunday Parkways events in May. Thanks to everyone who helped!
At one of the Parkways events, we collected 142 comments of people asking the Public Utility Commission to make sure PGE doesn’t build new gas electricity generation plants (adding to the 10,000 comments people have already submitted!) Lots of kids were wearing 350PDX pins, drawing adults to come find out what that number meant!

Thanks to Pat for coordination, Rand for early AM set-up, Rand, David, Lori and Jane for excellent comment gathering, Bonnie, Gregory, and Donna for beautiful banners and flags, and other friends and family who stopped by for support!

— Melanie, Fossil Fuel Resistance Team & Maya, Community Organizer

350PDX table at a Sunday Parkways event in May 2017