Welcome to the 350PDX newsletter, where we highlight action opportunities, upcoming events, and more. But first — thank you to everyone who joined our 10 year anniversary party!
A few weeks ago, we hosted “Resistance, Resiliency, & Revelry,” a party celebrating 350PDX’s 10-Year Anniversary. We had a great time celebrating with hundreds of folks in the 350PDX community. Together, we reflected on what we’ve accomplished as a climate justice movement during the last 10 years, took action on current campaigns, and imagined what we hope to build in the next 10 years.
Some highlights from the party:
- The 350PDX Arts Team led a beautiful Arts Parade with banners, puppets, drumming and chanting
- We showcased art, photos, campaign wins, and more from the last decade
- We heard JoAnn Hardesty and youth climate organizer Adah Crandall speak on their work in the Portland climate justice movement
- We watched A Message from the Future, in which we imagine what the next decade of climate action could like at 350PDX (video made by Kyla Yeoman and Molly Privratsky)
- We heard from many of our awesome volunteers!
- We enjoyed catering by Tamale Boy, drinks from Equal Exchange, and a 10-year birthday cake
- We danced to tunes by DJ PsychoTropika
- … plus we had a photobooth, art-making, a silent auction & raffle, and more!
Photos from the party by Edis Jurcys — check out more photos here!
Thank you to everyone who came to the party, and all who’ve been a part of the 350PDX community for the last 10 years! Here’s to another 10 years building the just, resilient future we all deserve.
In gratitude,
350PDX Staff
Take Action
For quick actions like petitions, check out our Take Action Page. Take the Pledge of Action for more updates.
Tell FERC to withdraw its approval of GTN XPress
BREAKING NEWS: Last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) gave a big gift to the fossil fuel industry by approving the GTN Xpress fracked gas expansion. But FERC won’t get the last word on GTN Xpress. We will continue to fight this project and work to hold FERC accountable.
Take action for clean air in Multnomah County
Join us in telling Multnomah County Commissioners: We need Clean Air Quality Standards NOW!
Chair Jessica Vega Peterson: 503-988-3308 mult.chair@multco.us
Sharon Meieran: 503-988-5220, district1@multco.us
Susheela Jayapal: 503-988-5219, district2@multco.us
Lori Stegmann: 503-988-5213, district4@multco.us
Julia Brim-Edwards: 503-988-5217, district3@multco.us
“Hi _____. My name is _____ , I live in ______. I’m calling because I am urging you to use your power as our local health authority to fight for air quality standards for our community. I’m concerned about appliances that leak dangerous methane gas and toxic pollutants in the buildings in our community, and I think it’s time for the County to take bold action. Pollution from our stoves, heaters, and fireplaces can cause conditions like asthma and heart failure. Please take action on this important issue.”
Events & Opportunities
Rally & Testify at the Environmental Quality Commission to Stop Zenith
Fri, Nov 17, 10:30AM – 12:00PM — at the DEQ office (700 NE Multnomah Street, Portland) or online (Zoom meeting info here)
Speak Up for the Planet: A 350PDX Storytelling Night
Tues, Nov 28, 6:30-8:30PM — Glisan Pub (Migration Brewing) @ 2828 NE Glisan St, Portland – learn more here
Have you collaborated for a climate cause? Faced challenges in your activism? Come share your story or listen to others! Gather around as we share stories of community, activism, and hope.
350PDX Holiday Action Night & Art Sale
Wed, Dec 6, 6:00-8:00PM — at the 350PDX office (3625 N Mississippi Ave, Portland) – learn more & rsvp here
In December, our monthly Action Night will be holiday-themed, and we’ll also be hosting an Art Sale to help raise money for our end-of-year fundraiser. We’ll have a gift wrapping station, if you’re gifting art you purchase at the sale, and we’ll be writing holiday cards to Multnomah County Commissioners to ask for the holiday present of banning gas in new residential construction. There will be pizza donated by Mississippi Pizza, holiday treats, and drinks, although feel free to bring a holiday cookie or dessert to share. Hope to see you there!
Actions with Don’t Shoot PDX
Throughout the week, across the city – details here
Worker Solidarity Actions
Throughout the week, across the city – visit the Portland Jobs with Justice page for more info. Also see their list of solidarity actions.
News & Updates
Stand with land defense campaigns, locally and beyond
Learn about how Indigenous communities in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are fighting the commercialization of huckleberries by the Forest Service, private companies like Tillamook, and commercial pickers, which has been devastating for tribal communities. You can also support the Wanapum Sustenance Foods and Spiritual Practices Conservation’s efforts by donating to $KlairiceWestley on CashApp.
Learn about the Stop Cop City movement to defend Indigenous lands and the Weelaunee forest from a massive police militarization facility, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Learn about the Indigenous-led Fairy Creek campaign, one of the largest and longest displays of civil disobedience in Canadian history. Land defenders risked their lives to protect the last intact Old Growth Watershed on Vancouver Island.
Donate to the Art Sale for Climate Justice
This week, we launched our annual Art Sale for Climate Justice! Check it out at 350pdx.org/artsale2023. Sale goes until Dec 13. All pieces in the sale have been generously donated by staff, volunteers, or supporters of 350PDX, and 100% of the proceeds go towards helping us hit our end of year fundraising target of $100,000.
Interested in donating a piece of art? There’s still time. Submit your art using this form: 350pdx.bigcartel.com/contribute-a-piece.
Communities in the Blast Zone coming together!
Do you live in the blast zone of Zenith’s oil trains? Use this map to find out. If you do, call and write to the City of Portland and share that you live in the blast zone and are concerned for your safety. You can also pick up a yard sign to have in your front yard or apartment window to educate your neighbors about the blast zone and what they can do to #StopZenith. Send an email to stopzenith@350pdx.org to coordinate receiving a yard sign from one of our team members.
The 350PDX Fossil Fuel Resistance Team is also helping folks hold Neighborhood Parties to educate their community about the issue, reach out to dineen@350pdx.org and lisebethjacobs@gmail.com to learn more.
In love and gratitude,
The 350PDX staff